Make A Path with Declarations



Your worship is cutting a way through the wilderness. I saw that the lion of Judah was circling around this meeting and He was creating a barrier, and He was creating an atmosphere of warfare. It is creating an atmosphere of fire, Holy Spirit fire. Lord, fall upon Your people today. And I say, even as some of us have obstacles in front of us, and some of us are in a wilderness that we’re not knowing how to cut through, as you release a sound of worship you’re going to cut through. As you worship, the sound of the Lion of Judah, His roar is coming out of your mouth . And that mouth and that sword is going to cut through the brambles, it’s going to cut through the things that are in front of you that seem so big, it’s going to cut down some giants in the land, He’s going to cut down the armies that are taking over the land. And we say we worship you, God.. 


It’s a declaration and not a desperation. Because the Lord of Hosts has encamped in us. The Lord of hosts goes before us. He surrounds us. When we open our mouths, the fire of God comes out of our bellies and causes the triumphant path to be made. We sing a declaration that The Lord of hosts goes before us. It takes a group of crazy people who will trust the Lord unwittingly and say  ‘I know my God, I know my redeemer, I know what He said He will do, He will do.’  And he creates a path. He takes our word of faith and our declarations of faith and creates a path. That’s what Marissa saw. She saw a path being cleared and a barrier being made up as the Lord is taking grounds, He’s taking grounds, He’s taking grounds. He’s gathering the five boroughs, He’s taking New York City, He’s taking Manhattan, He’s taking New York State, and we are a part of it. We say God, we say Father, we dare to believe that You will take the state,  that You will occupy this beautiful piece of land that You created. We say God, we will believe you. We will be that portal so that you can be worshiped in this state.


A Time of Recovery


The Lord is Stirring Up the Waters of Miracles